Project Updates

Keeping the community informed
MIFA's Don Sanders spoke at the Holyoke City Council meeting tonight about the Victory Theatre keeping the community updated on the project's progress!

American Rescue and Recovery Act (ARRP) Funds Reversed
Statement from Victory Project Manager, Susan Palmer and MIFA Executive Artistic Director, Donald T. Sanders:
"As leaders of the MIFA Victory Theatre project, and as strong supporters of Mayor Garcia and the city of Holyoke, we applaud the Mayor’s decision to re-allocate the ARPA funds so that they will be distributed in a timely fashion. We are grateful for Mayor Garcia’s continued support for the project and for his commitment of alternate funding sources to replace and possibly increase the amount of funding that would have come in the form of ARPA funding. We view this new funding strategy as a win for the city of Holyoke and for the MIFA Victory Theatre." - Susan Palmer
"I want to thank and second Josh and Alicia's explanation about rescinding the ARPA funds. MIFA has always been carefully included in the process as this necessary decision has unfolded and I completely agree that it's better to look at other ways for the city, the Mayor's Office, and CD to support the Victory without being tied to unrealistic ARPA dates affecting the city adversely. The Victory is making steady and, given its huge scope, tremendous progress. Yes, it has been 16 years since we started in 2009. But since then, just think what has been accomplished: full architectural, archival, and restoration plans for this 44,000 sq ft main bldg; MA Historical Commission & Federal recognition and tax credits awarded; adjoining property 134 Chestnut St acquired and demolished as a 14,000 sq ft support annex; the Victory Theatre historic Vincent Maragliotti murals fully restored, and the countless community projects sponsored and supported. Most importantly, all this hard work and dedication has brought recognition by the governor's office, the state legislature, and federal programs of the impact the Victory will have as a regional performing arts center and destination. Not to mention the boost and affirmation that MIFA and the Victory have brought to the city through its prestigious international and local events, broadcasts, and constant exposure of the city as a vital place in arts and education, working to restore the remarkable place that Holyoke is and is becoming. And, Bravo! This year actual construction will begin!" - Don Sanders
Mayor Joshua García and Alicia Zoeller, director of the city's Office for Community Development, speak on the issue of having to cancel funding from the federal government (American Rescue and Recovery Act) to MIFA because the theater non-profit did not meet the federal guidelines for receiving the COVID-era federal money.

Doors Open gives an inside look at Holyoke
By Dave Canton |
Published: Oct. 20, 2024
HOLYOKE — A “Day in the ‘Yoke” included a series of events on Saturday to celebrate the Paper City. Starting with the Paper City Food Festival, much of downtown was converted into a pedestrian plaza, lined with vendors, activities and, of course, food trucks.
As part of the festivities, Doors Open Holyoke 2024 gave visitors a look into the history, art and culture of downtown. That included a look at the Massachusetts Academy of Ballet on Open Square Way, a walking tour of the contemporary murals adorning Holyoke buildings, a peek inside the Victory Theater, and a walking tour of north High Street, a nationally recognized, historic section of the city.

News Segment: The Rundown with Carrie Saldo: Victory Theater restoration
This week, we touch on the latest from the $71 million project to restore the MIFA Victory Theater in Holyoke. What could this facility bring to the entertainment industry in western Massachusetts? We dig in and find out.
Victory segment starts at 00:22:30

News Article: Under the hood of the Victory Theatre, renovations continue
The Reminder
Jul 15, 2024
Hampden County, Holyoke, Local News
HOLYOKE — As progress continues on the rehabilitation project of the 1920 Broadway style Victory Theatre in downtown Holyoke, Reminder Publishing was invited by MIFA Executive Artistic Director Don Sanders for a tour of the building mid-renovation as excitement continues to loom over what is expected to be a huge cultural and tourist addition to the community.
Construction bid documents for the $71 million planned rehabilitation and reopening are expected to be finalized by the end of the summer.
Photo Credit: MIFA Executive Artistic Director Don Sanders stands in front of the Victory Theatre’s stage and orchestra pit amidst renovation of the space. Reminder Publishing photo by Trent Levakis

🔎 Take A Look Inside The Victory Theatre Progress
🚨ACTION At The Victory Theatre🚨
Exciting developments have been happening at the Victory since our last update!
See all the progress completed so far:

News Article: Victory Theatre rehab in Holyoke nears key hurdle, as bid docs for $71M project nearly ready
Daily Hampshire Gazette
Published: 06-30-2024 3:00 PM
HOLYOKE — Construction bid documents for the $71 million planned rehabilitation and reopening of the 1920 Broadway-style Victory Theatre in downtown are expected to be finalized by the end of summer — a good sign for a project that many believe will be transformational for the region’s arts scene and serve as an economic catalyst for Holyoke: READ MORE
Photo Credit: Don Sanders, executive director of MIFA Victory Theatre, shows the Tiffany glass windows inside the Victory Theatre building. FOR THE GAZETTE/DAN LITTLE

Video: Holyoke Development and Government Relations Committee on 6/6/2024
MIFA Victory Theatre Executive Artistic Director Don Sanders, Victory Theatre Project Manager Susan Palmer, Matt Jacobs Barr & Barr Construction Manager, Brad Foster Accountant, Fleur Kuhta Administrative Assistant present to the Committee in response to community questions about the Victory Theatre Project.
Development and Government Relations Committee contact page:
Item 5: 2-6-24 From David Weinberg, communication regarding Victory Theater
Item 6: 6-4-24 MiFA response to Mr. Weinberg's letter and addendums

🚨Exciting News: Action at the Victory Theatre🚨
MIFA Victory Theatre Project Construction Team, architects Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels (DBVW), and project construction team Barr & Barr have devised a strategy for the next steps in the Victory Theatre restoration and set forth a plan of action. Here is what has been completed so far:

Drone Photos by Odeh Engineers
Construction Team:
DBVW/ Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels Architects
Rivet Roofing
Ryan LLC
Odhe Engineering
Newsletter April 26, 2024:
Newsletter December 8, 2023:
Newsletter November 14, 2023:

Victory Theatre Mural Restoration Complete
HOLYOKE, MA - MIFA Victory Theatre is excited to announce the Victory Theatre’s historic murals restoration project is complete. Expert restorationists Evergreene Architectural Arts of New York City fully restored the two 23-foot-tall Vincent Maragliotti WPA murals on April 8, 2024. Evergreen’s team moved the murals back to Holyoke masterfully implementing and overseeing their protective storage where they will await reinstallation. The mural's completion is a key step in bringing us closer to a reopened theater. A future public exhibition of the completed murals is in development, stay tuned.
“What a wonderful achievement for MIFA and the City of Holyoke. A significant piece of the city’s history has been preserved for future generations. The mural restoration represents a terrific cooperation between MIFA and the Community Preservation Act Committee, among other donors, and a special shoutout should go to Kip Foley and Meagan Magrath (CPA Committee Chairs), and their committees, and to Michael J. Sullivan for making this happen.”
- Don Sanders, MIFA Executive Artistic Director
Full Press Release here: Restoration Complete
Press coverage:
Historic murals restored at Victory Theatre in Holyoke
By SCOTT MERZBACH, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Published: 04-19-2024 3:17 PM
Restoration of Victory Theatre murals complete
by Trent Levakis | May 7, 2024 | Hampden County, Holyoke, Local News, The Reminder

Holyoke holds 3rd annual ‘Doors Open’ event to celebrate 150th anniversary
"HOLYOKE, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - This month marks Holyoke’s 150th year anniversary. The city celebrated Saturday by hosting the 3rd annual Doors Open Holyoke event. It began this morning around 9 a.m. and wrapped up at noon.
Doors Open invites the community to see behind the doors of places not usually open to the public.
It connects residents to local places of historical, cultural, and architectural significance. This year, some of the locations included in this event were the Victory Theatre, H.H. Richardson Station, the Holyoke Fire Department, and more." - Copyright 2023. Western Mass News (WGGB/WSHM). All rights reserved.